Chapter 26


I stared blankly at my reflection for a moment, looking but not seeing. <Am I going to get any sleep this week?> I looked at my door. <Not bloody likely.> "Come in, it's open!" I called as I stepped back into my office. 

David Marshall stepped in and closed the door behind him before noticing me. He stopped and looked at me strangely for a moment. 

I walked over to my desk, trying not to look too hard at the mess I had made with my uniform and the stacks of paperwork on it. "What can I do for you, David?" 

"I need to ask for more time on the flight simulators for Private Le'Mone, Commander." I glared at him. "Oops... Kay. Sorry." 

I nodded and pushed my uniform aside, looking through the papers underneath. "No problem, David. I know I've got the forms for it in here somewhere." 

"Actually, come to think of it, could I get more sim time for my whole wing? I mean, a little practice never hurt anyone, right?" 

I found the papers I needed and tried to smooth out the wrinkles across the edge of my desk. "Of course. I'll just upgrade your wing's scheduling priority and you can set up the appointments yourself." I turned and smiled at him, "I'll do my part of the paperwork if you'll do yours. You'll have to fill these out when you get a chance." I handed a few sheets to him and flipped through the stack I had left as I continued, "And I'll finish these when I can." 

"Thanks, Kay." 

"Don't mention it. Oh, and tell any pilots you see to stay on their toes. We'll be landing at Mars base sometime today, and Gloval wants all the squadrons ready. Anyways, I'll see you later, David." 

David blinked. "Mars base? Wow." He turned and started for the door, mumbling something about Mars' atmosphere and gravity. When he reached the door, he turned to face me again. "Could I ask you one more thing, Kay?" I nodded, sipping at my drink again. "Could you ask Lieutenant Fate to meet me sometime?" 

I put the drink down. "I don't think I can. What, dare I ask, is it for?" 

David put his hands in his pockets. "Ah... well, I'd rather not say, Sir. It's fairly personal." 

I took another drink and shook my head. "I don't think I- Oh." I thought back to my meeting with Tony and his questions. "No problem, David. I'll ask her about it this afternoon." <After, of course, I check to see if it's OK with Thallin.> "Anything else?" 

"No Sir... Kay. Thanks a lot for your help." 

"Okay. Bye Dave." 

He smiled and waved as he shut the door behind him. "You know, Eli, this could be the perfect distraction for our fine Izabelle. And, if she hits it off with David, that leaves Thallin wide open... except for that Tallon-lady." 

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